
If you are considering using Moth balls to get rid of squirrels in the attic then you need to read this – Moth balls are toxic to humans and pets. Most moth balls are made from naphthalene which is derived from coal tar. The gas emitted from moth balls is heavier than air and will seep from your attic into the lower levels of your home – your living areas. Many people will recommend moth balls to get rid of squirrels in the attic and other pests.  Moth balls take oxygen out of the air. Their purpose is to suffocate moths in a contained environment. It is similar, very similar to running a car engine in a garage with the garage door closed. Several years ago a customer had a neighbor tell her to put moth balls in her attic to drive out the squirrels. It worked for a while but the amount of moth balls she had to put in the attic spaces to drive out the squirrels made her house stink of moth balls. Squirrels and mice – they get used to the smell – unless you use so many moth balls that the toxic vapors are so heavy that the squirrels or other rodents can’t stay – which means these heavier than air toxic vapors are seeping down into your living areas and into your lungs and into your blood stream.  Moth balls for squirrel control, been there – smelled that. It is very toxic – especially to children and infants. Many people who make this huge mistake then spend thousands of dollars to get the moth ball smell out of their house. In some cases families have to relocate to a hotel for several days until the odor is gone. Unfortunately in most cases the only remedy, costly removal of all existing insulation.  Once the removal is completed, then the home is ready to be atomized with disinfectant and a deodorizer. New insulation must be reinstalled making  the home once again energy efficient.


  1. Difficulty breathing, asthma worsening, asthma attacks – especially in children.
  2. Nose, eyes, and lung irritation.
  3. Recurring headaches, nausea, dizziness.
  4. Cancer – moth balls are possible carcinogens.
  5. Effect on babies- skin rash, anemia, jaundice.
Never make the mistake of using moth balls for rodent control.