
Save Energy as the Spring heats up to Summer

After a cold and long winter, it’s finally spring, and many people in the Atlanta and surrounding areas are rejoicing. It’s time to tune up the lawnmower, get your garden tools out, and get ready to spruce up our yards and homes to welcome the warmer weather and longer days. You will also have opportunites to consider how you can help your home save energy.

As you prepare for increasing temperatures, think of ways to make your home more energy efficient. Making a few simple changes can help you save money on utility bills as the weather heats up.

When the temperatures aren’t too hot, take advantage of open windows to get breezes flowing through your home. Opening windows on opposite sides of the house or that are directly across from each other in the same room can create a flow of air through your home, cooling down the temperature.
Heat-producing appliances can make your home too warm. Minimize the use of your oven, stove top, and dryer, especially during the warmer afternoon and early evening hours. Take advantage of nice weather by grilling some meals outdoors. Grill extra protein, like chicken, and then serve it on top a salad the next night for appliance-free dinner prep.
Your refrigerator is most efficient when it is full so it doesn’t have to work as hard to stay cool. Having a lot of food in your refrigerator prevents it from warming up too fast when the door is open. ENERGY STAR certified refrigerators (and other appliances) reduce your energy consumption even further.
When using power-hungry appliances, consider running them after 7pm when power loads are lighter. Run the dishwasher or do your laundry later in the evening. Turn off and unplug things like computers, phone chargers, and game consoles, which use electricity even when not in use.
Obviously, air conditioners use the most electricity during the summer. Use a programmable thermostat to adjust the temperature in your home while you’re away at work, on vacation, or overnight. By using the proper pre-programmed settings you can save about $180 a year in energy costs.
Light creates heat. Limit the use of task lighting inside your home during the day. Close window blinds and curtains during peak sunshine hours, especially on south-facing windows. If you have older windows, consider upgrading to energy efficient ENERGY STAR replacement windows.
As temperatures begin to climb during the spring and into summer, taking a few steps to reduce your home’s energy consumption will make your home more comfortable while saving you money on utility bills.