

No matter where you live, now you can own a home with an exterior that’s ideally suited for its local climate. The HardieZone System from James Hardie Building Products offers siding with specific performance attributes relative to the climate where your home is being built. So while other siding companies offer a one-siding-fits-all solution, James Hardie gives you the ability to get the right siding for your climate every time.

We’ve Taken Luck Out of the Equation:
We based The HardieZone System on the eight individual climatic variables that primarily affect long-term performance of siding. Using these factors we arrived at ten distinct climatic zones. Though different, we found common variables in certain regions, allowing us to engineer the HZ5® product line for zones 1 through 5 and the HZ10® product line for zones 6 through 10.

Get your Hardie Zone System installed on your home by  Aladdin Insulation and Home Improvements. Free Estimates 678-528-7115